The Chairperson of the West Papua Refugees Relief Association (WPRRA) based in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea congratulates the achievements of the United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) at the 50th Pacific Islands Forum Summit in Tuvalu this week.
West Papua Refugee relief Association Chairman Elimar Gombo with Blue Shirt and Deputy Chair Soni Yoissi holding his child (red shirt with hat)
Speaking to some of the refugees in Port Moresby, Mr. Gombo stated Hon. Benny Wenda was one of the refugees, hosted here at Gerehu Stage II. At that time, Hon Powes Parkop, MP, Governor of NCD Port Moresby was Wenda’s lawyer, organised his passport and got him to the United Kingdom with a promise, “When I get something out there, I will bring back the results of my hunting, so that we can share together back home”.
A week before the PIF Summit, Hon. Governor Parkop and Hon Wenda visited the Solomon Islands Prime Minister and the Opposition leader to secure support for the West Papua cause.
Mr. Gombo continues that has been made so far shows clearly to all of us that all Melanesian leaders and Pacific leaders are supporting West Papua. Only Australia is not fully supportive because it has various agreements with Indonesia that it tries not to violate.
All West Papuans also indicated their full support to what the ULMWP is doing in Tuvalu, which indicates once again that all West Papuans are “One People – One Soul”, ONLY Indonesian Negara Kolonial Indonesia (NKRI) that always spread hoax and propaganda saying that West Papuans are factionalized, divided, and potential to kill each other because of tribal root of conflicts.
Mr. Gombo added, West Papuans today are modernized peoples, we know what we are doing and we will achieve, Indonesia will get out from West Papua. Melanesians are standing together with us. We are all Melesians, and Indonesians are occupying Melanesian home-land.