At its office at Gerehu Stage 2, Port Moresby, the West Papuan Refugee Relief Association (WPRRA) recently held its annual meeting after several years without any such meetings.
This meeting was chaired by its Chairperson, Mr. Elimar Gombo, attended by 90% of the board members and the WPRRA deputy Chair, Soni Yossi.
As reported by the chair to crew at the office, the meeting was held to evaluate the achievements during the past 9 years since its establishment in August 2010.
Mr. Gombo added the main success so far is securing the land, in cooperation with landowners, a piece of land at Gerehu, which then declared as the area to be build “West PApua Town” in Port Moresby by the NCD Governor, Hon. Powes Parkop, MP.
Mr Gombo also said they are planning to build an office at the PNG Government allocated land for West Papua Refugees in Gerehu.