West Papuan refugees ordered to demolish homes in Port Moresby

On Pacific Beat with Catherine Graue

A group of West Papuan refugees who’ve been shunted from place to place around Port Moresby for years have been told they have to move again.

The refugees and their families have been living in slum-like conditions for more than a decade while they wait for authorities to fulfil a promise to find them a permanent home.

Late last week council officers, escorted by police, handed people demolition orders to take down the small homes and businesses they’ve built along a drain in the suburb of Rainbow.

Community leader Olaf Wayangkau said they have nowhere else to go.

“We don’t know. We are waiting here while the government of Papua New Guinea find a place for us,” he said.

It was the Port Moresby Governor Powes Parkop, a vocal supporter of the West Papuan cause, who promised to find the refugees a permanent home.

Governor Parkop said he was unaware of the move to serve the demolition orders or what had prompted it.

He said he will work to stop, or at least stall the process to carry out the demolition orders.

“I have committed to resettle them all and I have identified land for them but the National Planning Department has been slow to grant access,” he said.

“I hope I can sort it out soon and get proper allocation of the land so they’ve got security and can build a future

“Duration: 3min 3sec

Broadcast: Mon 24 Jun 2019, 6:00am

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