REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Komisi Nasional Hak Asasi Manusia (Komnas HAM) dan Badan PBB untuk urusan pengungsi (UNHCR) sepakat meneruskan kerja…
West Papuan refugees in Papua New Guinea: on the way to citizenship?
Written by Jenny Munro, at DEVPOLICY At Rainbow settlement in Port Moresby, 38 families of West Papuan heritage live in…
West Papuan refugees hope for citizenship
Access to citizenship could prove the best hope yet for thousands of West Papuan refugees living in Papua New Guinea…
No relief for flood-affected refugees
Environmental damage caused by copper mining in Papua New Guinea (PNG) has affected thousands of refugees from the neighbouring Indonesian…
Survival International: West Papuans Flee Violence
September 1984, Author: ClayJason W, Survival International As Indonesia moves to “incorporate” West Papua, thousands of Papuans are fleeing for…