Today is July 17th, 2019, the date when the Chairman of the United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) and the Secretary-General of The Koteka Tribal Assembly (Dewan Musyawarah Masyarakat Adat Koteka – DeMMAK) is celebrating the day when One of the West Papuan Refugees since 2000, Mr. Benny Wenda who right now lives in the United Kingdom as a refugee being granted British Citizenship, Awarded a Prestigious Award from one of the oldest city in the world “Oxford City” called the “Freedom of Oxford” Honour.
In celebrating this achievements of one of the refugees, we are launching this website in order to:
- Document all West Papuan Refugees in the world;
- Assist all West Papuan Refugees in the world with anything that will help to get citizenship status, or others that we can offer.
- Disseminate news and information on the situation of West Papuan refugees around the world.
We are setting up various WPRRA.club centres around the world, including:
- the United Kingdom,
- the Netherlands,
- the USA,
- Australia
- South Pacific
- Asia
Please drop us your contacts and information by emailing to info@wprra.club