PNG is steadfast in its commitment to protect refugees. These commitments are outlined within the country legislation together with PNG’s…
Papua New Guinea: Caritas and Don Bosco Technical School partner to provide scholarships to refugees from West Papua
REPORTfrom Caritas Published on 04 Jul 2019 —View Original (MissionNewswire) The Refugee Livelihood Program, a program for the refugee population of West Papua,…
West Papuan Refugees Living In PNG Receive Education Scholarships
Twenty West Papuan refugees were awarded education scholarships through the Caritas PNG Humanitarian aid programme in partnership with Don Bosco…
West Papuan refugees hope for citizenship
Access to citizenship could prove the best hope yet for thousands of West Papuan refugees living in Papua New Guinea…
Supporting West Papuan refugees in PNG
The plight of more than 8,000 West Papuan refugees living in Papua New Guinea’s Western Province, near the border of…
Survival International: West Papuans Flee Violence
September 1984, Author: ClayJason W, Survival International As Indonesia moves to “incorporate” West Papua, thousands of Papuans are fleeing for…