Today is July 17th, 2019, the date when the Chairman of the United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) and…
Papua New Guinea: Caritas and Don Bosco Technical School partner to provide scholarships to refugees from West Papua
REPORTfrom Caritas Published on 04 Jul 2019 —View Original (MissionNewswire) The Refugee Livelihood Program, a program for the refugee population of West Papua,…
Port Moresby evicts West Papuan refugees from city settlement
By PMC Reporter – June 25, 2019 , Pacific Media Centre Newsdesk About 250 West Papuans have been served notices of eviction to leave…
Buntut penembakan pekerja di Nduga, 2.000 orang mengungsi ke Wamena, Papua
BBC World – Sekitar dua ribu warga dari sejumlah distrik di Kabupaten Nduga, Papua, mengungsi ke Kabupaten Wamena karena khawatir…
West Papuan Refugees Living In PNG Receive Education Scholarships
Twenty West Papuan refugees were awarded education scholarships through the Caritas PNG Humanitarian aid programme in partnership with Don Bosco…
115 Pengungsi Papua Jadi Warga Negara Papua Nugini
Jayapura, Jubi – 115 orang Papua Barat (Provinsi Papua, Indonesia), terutama dari bagian utara, telah menjadi warga Papua Nugini atau…
West Papua refugees share their stories at Lithgow forum
West Papuan refugees Bas Fairio and Sonny Karubaba shared their stories with members of the community at the Lithgow and District…
Flag of West Papua flies outside Lithgow Council | Photos
Hosea Luy The Morning Star flag of West Papua was hoisted alongside its Australian and Australian Aboriginal counterparts outside the Lithgow City…
Pengungsi Asal Sudan Di Pulau Manus Terima Penghargaan HAM Di Swiss
Koresponden PNG Natalie WhitingPosted 14 February 2019 at 9:04 pm Seorang pengungsi asal Sudan telah diterbangkan dari Pulau Manus menuju Jenewa…
Komnas HAM dan UNHCR Sepakat Kerja Sama Lindungi Pengungsi
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Komisi Nasional Hak Asasi Manusia (Komnas HAM) dan Badan PBB untuk urusan pengungsi (UNHCR) sepakat meneruskan kerja…